Insertion of Tessari Energia
The article about Tessari Energia published by the “Gazzettino” newspaper in 2013/2014, by the “Terra e vita” magazine distributed at the fairs and the co-generation and biomass/biogas guide 2013/2014/2015
The article about Tessari Energia published by the “Gazzettino” newspaper in 2013/2014, by the “Terra e vita” magazine distributed at the fairs and the co-generation and biomass/biogas guide 2013/2014/2015
A primary need for the planet’s survival, a need which Tessari Energia Spa has met since the 60’s and has become the company mission.
We have invested in combining the knowledge accumulated from the past with the most advanced present technology.
Tessari has committed itself in the field of biogas, a truly renewable resource, by creating a range of biogas generator sets ranging from 50 to 360 kWe. It has contributed to spreading it over a new culture that protects the environment and is also economical as it involves the combined self-production of electrical and thermal energy.
Tessari Energia Spa decided to operate in the market of micro-generation where small and medium sized companies can find products suitable to their specific needs.
The original MAN motors, together with the Motortech systems used in different arrangements, guarantee the quality of our generator sets, which mount first class components.
The Tessari solutions for 1 MWe power plant is known and well-accepted by the market: the Company proposes 3 generator sets with power per unit of 333 kWe, managed by a panelboard of parallel machines/ panelboard of parallel network; this modular solution allows for continuous service, even if a machine needs to be stopped for maintenance or because there is a temporary lack of biogas to feed the whole power plant.
The after-sales support assistance completes the packages offered by Tessari; indeed, we propose specific maintenance program scheduled in accordance with the needs of the plant manager. In order to improve this service, remote monitoring has been implemented via the web; its management can be customized in accordance with the final customer’s needs.
As the future must foresee the environment protection and the need to rely on renewable energies, Tessari can state that the future belongs to us because our knowledge and expertise allow us to provide the best service and manufacture the best products.
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Dear customer,
we wish to inform you that the offices and the storehouse of Tessari Energia will be closed for the holidays from 24/12/2014 to 07/01/2015.
Customer Support will be available for customers who have a maintenance contract.
The Generator Set rental service will be available and can be reached by calling 3456283127.
Thank you for trusting in us. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Best wishes and thanks from all the staff at Tessari Energia.
Egregi clienti,
desideriamo comunicarvi che in vista delle festività natalizie, gli uffici ed il magazzino Tessari Energia rimarranno chiusi nel periodo compreso dal 24/12/2014 al 07/01/2015.
Per tutti i clienti con un contratto di manutenzione, sarà mantenuta l’operatività del servizio assistenza.
Il servizio di noleggio gruppi elettrogeni Tessari rimarrà attivo al numero 3456283127.
Desideriamo ringraziarVi per la fiducia accordataci ed auguriamo a Voi tutti ed alle Vostre famiglie un sereno Natale ed un felice anno nuovo.
Un cordiale saluto ed un sincero ringraziamento da parte di tutto lo staff Tessari Energia.
Tessari Energia took part in the International Dairy Cattle Fair from Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th October 2014, the Rassegna Suinicola Fair in Cremona which has become an example for the industry of breeding and agriculture both in Italy and abroad.
It has been the main event in Energy and Sustainable Mobility in Italy for 8 years and it is focused on innovation. Even that year, Tessari Energia took place in their KeyEnergy with a stand from 5th to 8th November 2014.
Tessari Energia ha partecipato, dal 5 al 9 Maggio 2014, alla fiera IFAT, svoltasi a Monaco. E’ una fiera importante che tratta di trattamento acque reflue, rifiuti e materiali di scarto. Un’occasione per esporre la qualità delle macchine Tessari che, grazie al collettamento del gas prodotto dalle sostanze organiche, recuperano energia elettrica e termica.
Ad Hannover, dal 10 al 14 marzo 2014, si è svolta CeBit, una fiera dedicata al digital Buisiness, settore ampiamente salvaguardato dai gruppi elettrogeni Tessari Energia, che ha esposto le sue macchine, installate in vari data center sparsi per il mondo.
Tessari Energia esporta la propria qualità all’estero, presenziando al Middle East Electricity, nota fiera a livello mondiale che si è svolta a Dubai dall ’11 al 13 febbraio 2014.
La presenza a questo evento importante esalta l’importanza della nostra azienda, che si ricava così, a livello mondiale, un posto tra i top packangers.
Dal 6 al 9 febbraio 2014 si è svolta a Verona Fiere la 111° edizione di Fieragricola.
Tessari Energia era presente con il suo stand per presentare i suoi prodotti, sempre meta di curiosi ma soprattutto di esperti del settore che non si sono fatti perdere l’occasione per esaltare la qualità delle macchine costruite dalla nostra azienda.
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